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CheParts.com is one of the DGTBusinets services, specilized in offering buyers and sellers of auto parts a marketplace plus a business model to fit into their business and decision-making process.

The pronunciation of Che is the same as that of    automobile in Chinese, thus CheParts.com is a 24-hour non-stop exhibition of auto parts for buyers, sellers and individual consumers.

Our Commitment : Deliver the goods as ordered.

Who to join : All importers and suppliers for auto-related items

Benefits to Buyers :

Type of Buyers




Small to medium importers

  • fulfill local demand with small lot orders.
  • buy a more complete range of auto parts at a lower cost
  • consolidate goods from different suppliers through DGT to cut shipping cost
  • obtain on-line quick reference of auto parts to speed up trading transaction
  • minimize order follow-up cost

Large importers

  • minimize slow-moving, or even dead stock
  • reduce overall inventory level

Individual consumers

  • obtain on-line quick reference of auto parts to consider buying decision
  • contact importers to locate possible retailers nearbys
  • raise request to importers to buy specific auto parts

Benefits to Buyers :


  • acquire a new selling channel
  • promote products directly to oversea importers
  • increase sales with small lot orders

Your Investment :

Business Partners



  • Access to the Internet
  • Email address


  • Access to the Internet
  • Email address
  • Digitizing & data entry cost to put product catalogue on the Net
  • Affordable monthly service charge

Individual consumers

  • Access to the Internet
  • Email address

Business Operations Overview :
The following diagram illustrates a quick overview of our business operations among CheParts.com, importers, suppliers and individual consumers/users :

Are you ready ?


 Our Invitation to Business Partner

If you are now :

operating a business which may add value to DGT Services, and;

having ideas to extend value chain beyond your current business scope, why don't we better position ourselves through cooperation to compete with others collectively ?

Contact us and let's talk about new business ideas !
  Any Comment ?

For any feedback, suggestion or inquiry regarding this web site, please feel free to contact us through e-mail info@dgt-tech.com

Digital Tech Limited     
