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What is DGTBusinets ?

  • a service from Digital Tech Limited (DGT)
  • offer buyers and sellers different niche marketplaces plus corresponding business models
  • fit into specific business and decision-making process

How does DGTBusinets work for you ?

  • under DGTBusinets, one web site handles one business sector

(because industry and business practices for different types of product are likely to be different)

  • fine-tune each of these web sites to achieve higher effectiveness and efficiency
  • serve you with a common approach based on 3 building blocks at each web site :

Building Block





Provide product information of suppliers on our web site in a structural way for more efficient searching and comparison



Our business system

Combine an optimal mix of on-line and off-line connection among various business partners to achieve a high-performance, result-oriented and secure way of doing trading business



Printed catalogue

Extend the promotion media from electronic to physical means


Why is DGTBusinets meaningful to you ?

  • lower searching cost to find the appropriate buyers or sellers
  • boost up business result through Internet with minimal investment in information technology
  • maintain a smooth and cost-effective coordination among business partners to fulfill specific buy and sell requirements
  • carefully protect sensitive business data from being accessed by unauthorized users at different levels

Who will be benefited from DGTBusinets ?

New business partners

To lay down a profit-making platform by jointly developing new DGTBusinets services with DGT

Existing business partners

To harvest profit from jointly operating the existing DGTBusinets services with DGT

Corporate members using existing DGTBusinets services

Please visit the existing DGTBusinets services to know more about their specific benefits to you :


Individual consumers

Only allowed to view and search for listed products on the existing DGTBusinets services

When will the DGTBusinets benefits delivered to you ?

Existing business partners

Being well-coordinated to provide existing DGTBusinets services and fulfill sales requests from corporate members

Corporate members

If you want to do buy and sell beyond the limits of your yesterday belief, contact us at once and rock-n-roll !

Individual consumers

If you want to freely view and search for listed products, just do it now !

Where can DGTBusinets do business for you ?

  • at a web site under DGTBusinets
  • e.g. CheParts.com for automobile parts

  • no need for installing any additional proprietary software
  • anywhere you have access to

- Internet

- e-mail

- a fax machine

 Our Invitation to Business Partner

If you are now :

operating a business which may add value to DGT Services, and;

having ideas to extend value chain beyond your current business scope, why don't we better position ourselves through cooperation to compete with others collectively ?

Contact us and let's talk about new business ideas !
  Any Comment ?

For any feedback, suggestion or inquiry regarding this web site, please feel free to contact us through e-mail info@dgt-tech.com

Digital Tech Limited     
