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DGTWireless Application

What is DGTWireless Application ?

  • a service from Digital Tech Limited (DGT)
  • define a new, boundary-free world of communication on top of existing Internet and wireless services
  • connect mobile devices and make them work for you through-the-air, in the ways that you want

How does DGTWireless Application work for you ?

  • readily integrate with existing networks through flexible interfaces based on open WAP and Internet standards
  • serve you with 3 building blocks :

Building Block




WAP Gateway

Enable mobile phones for making contact with our Remote Access & Operations Service

Only for mobile phone


Remote Access & Operations Service

Perform over-the-air activation of electronic business operations



Application modules

Allow remote command of electronically controlled operations


Why is DGTWireless Application meaningful to you ?

  • bring data and action options right at the mobile users’ finger tips
  • link up remotely distributed resources to form a complete value chain to deliver value
  • turn your new mobile business opportunity into reality

Who will be benefited from DGTWireless Application ?

  • your staff with no direct link with your existing computer system
  • e.g. sales people on the road or warehousemen
  • the client sitting right in front of you
  • e.g. activating through your mobile device to send specific files from head office to a fax machine next to your client
  • your potential customers
  • e.g. checking the availability of certain products/services right at this moment, in your existing computer system

When will the DGTWireless Application benefits delivered to you ?

  • readily available to those users who are interested in building new connection channels in their existing networks
  • upon completion of building new connection channels and developing new WAP applications that fit to your need

Where can DGTWireless Application do business for you ?

Anywhere you are connected to those mobile or stationery devices complying to open Internet & WAP standards.

 Our Invitation to Business Partner

If you are now :

operating a business which may add value to DGT Services, and;

having ideas to extend value chain beyond your current business scope, why don't we better position ourselves through cooperation to compete with others collectively ?

Contact us and let's talk about new business ideas !
  Any Comment ?

For any feedback, suggestion or inquiry regarding this web site, please feel free to contact us through e-mail info@dgt-tech.com

Digital Tech Limited     
