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  DGT Services

DGT keeps track of the latest digital technologies and designs new business applications.

Our current services include :

  Brief Description of DGT Services

The following summary provides a brief description for each DGT Service :

    Offering buyers and sellers different niche marketplaces plus corresponding business models


  • Offering buyers and sellers of auto parts a marketplace plus a business model to fit into their business and decision-making process
  • Providing a 24-hour non-stop exhibition of auto parts for buyers, sellers and individual consumers


    Sending small pieces of information (e.g. advertisement or financial information) to target subscribers continuously via different media, such as PDA, PCS, laptops, notebooks or even mobile phones through the Internet


    Distributing the latest financial information from Dah Sing Bank Ltd. to appropriate computer user via Internet


  • Equipping users with a central data storage accessible at any Internet-connected computer anywhere, anytime
  • Sharing data with other designated users


  DGTWireless Application
  • Defining a new, boundary-free world of communication on top of existing Internet and wireless services
  • Connecting mobile devices and making them work for users through-the-air, in the ways that users want


Digital Tech Limited     
