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What is DAHCasting ?

A cooperation between Dah Sing Bank & Digital Tech Limited to distribute the latest financial information from Dah Sing Bank Ltd. to appropriate computer user via Internet.

Associated web sites to display DahCasting

Besides being displayed on our own web site, information also shows on our associated sites listed below

  • Websup.com

Distinctive features for private channel

Tiny display window

It will stay on the top layer of the monitor to display the latest information

Small download program

  • It is specially designed to only consume very small amount of processing power on user's computer
  • It is FREE to download. For detailed instruction, please visit DahCasting download

A showcase of DGTCasting

 Our Invitation to Business Partner

If you are now :

operating a business which may add value to DGT Services, and;

having ideas to extend value chain beyond your current business scope, why don't we better position ourselves through cooperation to compete with others collectively ?

Contact us and let's talk about new business ideas !
  Any Comment ?

For any feedback, suggestion or inquiry regarding this web site, please feel free to contact us through e-mail info@dgt-tech.com

Digital Tech Limited     
